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Biological Specimen Inventory

Feature Focus

Common Windows and Dialogs

July 2024

IMS tries to keep the BSI interface as consistent as possible to help users come quickly up to speed with using the system.

Release Notes

June 2024

The IMS support website features a comprehensive list of every all-database enhancement to the BSI system since 2015. This also includes customer-reported bug fixes beginning in September 2022.

New to BSI

May 2024

Since BSI encompasses so many tools, processes, and features, knowing where to start can be difficult. Following the lifecycle of a specimen highlights the core uses of BSI.

BSI Support Website

April 2024

The BSI Support site is a separate web software providing a portal for your organization’s continued growth and success. The BSI user’s guide is available on the support website and the site also provides customers with the unique opportunity to create and upload database-specific help content, workflows, and training documents to share within your organization.

BSI Glossary

March 2024

There is an extensive list of terms and definitions in the online BSI Glossary.

Dashboard Reporting Widgets

February 2024

The Dashboard’s Reporting widgets provide users with a quick look at their data and more.

The Power of Reporting

January 2024

BSI is designed to allow users to run reports at various points throughout specimen processing activities. In fact, any time a specimen can be selected or viewed in BSI, a report can be run on that specimen.

Tools in the Location Manager

November 2023

BSI accounts for all potential workflows by providing users with a broad set of tools. Utilizing these tools, users can do almost any of the work on specimens that can be done elsewhere in the system.

Assign To Tool

November 2023

It is important that specimen tracking software, like BSI, is not only able to capture this flow, but is able to make the process as clear and straightforward as possible to users. The Assign To functionality is one way that BSI achieves this.

Importer Wizard and Batch Editing Tools

September 2023

By providing features like the Importing Wizard and batch editor tools, BSI helps to ensure that users are able to work with specimen data in a way that increases efficiency, decreases errors and improves the overall specimen handling experience.

Requisition Task Templates

August 2023

BSI’s Requisition Task Templates offers a dynamic and intuitive feature achieve efficient use of time and resources for an effective workflow.

Editing Tools

July 2023

Efficiency is one of the most important elements of any specimen handling facility’s workflow. This efficiency is best achieved when tasks can be completed quickly and with the least possible potential for errors.

Multi-User Editor

June 2023

The efficiency tools found in the editor tables (Mass Change, Change Values, Sort, Hide/Show Columns) can be applied in the Multi-User Editor, making it easy to add or edit multiple users quickly and efficiently.

BSI Dashboard

May 2023

All users have access to a Widget Library where they can select, configure, name and add widgets to their own, personal Dashboard.

508 Compliance and Keyboard Navigation

March 2023

BSI is compliant with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act. Users can navigate through BSI using their keyboard.

Location Structure

February 2023

One of the primary functions of software like BSI is to provide tracking for the specimens that move through the workflows of specimen handling facilities.

Notifications Preferences

January 2023

BSI provides many options allowing the user to customize their experience and tailor it to their needs and preferences. One such example of this is the Notifications Preferences BSI has.

BSI Templates

December 2022

BSI’s template functionality has been specifically designed to help speed up and streamline the process of entering specimens into a database.

Search Tool

November 2022

It is important that tracking software like BSI provides users with simple, intuitive tools for finding data and keeping tabs on their work.

Select Rows Tool

October 2022

In a table containing many records, it’s helpful to have a tool that allows you to easily select a subset of those records for editing or processing.

Saving Requisitions in BSI Engage

August 2021

In the BSI Client (the desktop application for accessing your database) users have been able to save requisitions they are working on and come back to them later.

BSI Launcher

June 2021

Downloading and installing the BSI Launcher is your gateway to securely tracking your biospecimens through their entire life cycle. Many BSI users only use its main feature, which is to launch the desktop BSI client application.